About Ziegler SuperSystems
“Jim Ziegler helps people and organizations discover the power of leveraging relationships for increased sales and profits”
James A. Ziegler, CSP, HSG: Ziegler SuperSystems, Inc. Jim lives in Chateau Elan Country Club, Braselton, Georgia. For 48 years, Jim Ziegler’s been a recognized industry, writer, magazine columnist, professional speaker, and super performer…following a record setting Sales Career, F&I Manager/Director and General Sales Manager with some of the top automobile dealerships in the country his credentials include…
- A record-setting manager with several of the top performing dealerships in the country
- Associate Professor teaching Automotive General Management at Northwood University
- Associate Professor teaching Automotive F&I at Northwood university
- Worked with more than 15,000 dealerships nationwide.
- Jim is an Eagle Scout
- Red Cross Certified Water Safety Instructor five years
- 125,000 Dealers, Managers and Executives attended his seminars since 1986.
- Teaches Seminars on F&I, Sales Management, Sales, and Internet Marketing
- He’s worked in more than 1000 showrooms in 200 cities in 49 states. (not Alaska yet)
- The featured opening keynote speaker 98 State Automobile Dealer Association Conventions
- Rated in top 10 workshop speakers at 17 National NADA Conventions
- Featured speaker at 3 J.D. Power Roundtables
- Opening keynote speaker 4 AICPA Conventions
- More than 150,000 friends and followers on Social Media (mostly automotive)
- Speaker at four Digital Dealer Conventions, including Opening Keynote Speaker at DD2
- Opening Speaker on the Big Stage Digital Dealer DD22 Tampa
- Featured Opening Speaker Digital Dealer 24 Orlando
- Widely Read National Columnist, Automotive Retail (AlphaDawgBlog.com)
- Respected industry futurist and forecaster
- 14 Years as the original featured Columnist in Dealer Magazine
- Featured Columnist, five years, for Wards Dealer Business Magazine
- Lead Columnist for F&I/Showroom magazine
- Featured Columnist for Auto Dealer Today magazine
- Writes for ADM Community and Dealer Elite online communities
- Prolific Automotive Blogger with hundreds of thousands of followers
- Jim’s “Internet Battle Plan” events have been attended by thousands of dealers, managers, and automotive executives.
- 2006 Toastmasters International Leadership National Award for helping others
- Jim is regularly called on by top industry executives for his input on dealer matters
- 2012 Jim was awarded the “Passion Award” for lifetime achievement in the industry
- 2012 Jim was awarded the ‘AutoCon’ lifetime achievement award
- Jim has been awarded the prestigious Dealer’s Choice Gold and Diamond Awards as Automotive Sales and Management Trainer of the Year Voted on by Dealers.
- He is the only person to have won this highest-level award five times, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, and repeating in 2018
- Recipient of the 2019 Edward Bobit Lifetime Achievement Award
- May 9th, 2022 Featured Speaker at Digital Dealer Conference, Tampa
James A. Ziegler, CSP, The Alpha Dawg is a professional member of the National Speaker’s Association as well as National Speaker’s Association Georgia. In July 2001, Jim earned the prestigious “Certified Speaking Professional” (CSP) designation at the NSA National Convention in Dallas. Less than 1/3 of one percent of all professional speakers worldwide ever achieves this coveted honor, the association’s highest earned award.
For more than 48 years, James A. Ziegler, CSP has researched, studied, and trained in the retail automobile business as surely as if he were studying for a Masters’ degree in any other profession. He’s the ultimate student of our industry; Ziegler exhibits intellectual dynamics and an incredible ability to perform at levels above the industry.
Jim Ziegler’s future forecasting has claimed accuracy in the 90% + category for predicting industry trends and events before they happen. The best record in the industry.
Nobody has hands-on experience rivaling his accomplishments in the retail auto industry. Since March of 1986, Ziegler has done business with more than 15,000 dealerships nationwide and more than 125,000 Dealers, managers and factory executives have attended Jim’s automobile dealer management seminars. Traveling more than 200 days a year, the man has physically worked in more than 1000 showrooms in no less than 200 cities in 49 states. (hasn’t made it to Alaska yet).
As a retail consultant having worked with manufacturers and more than 1000 dealerships nationwide, Ziegler is respected for his expertise internationally. Very few people in the world can pick up a phone and get more automotive decision-makers to answer.
He has been the featured keynote speaker for 98 State Automobile Dealer Association Annual Conventions and has been consistently rated at the top of the top ten speakers at 17 National NADA Conventions
2008 Opening Keynote Speaker for the Australian National Auto Dealers Annual Convention in Brisbane Gold Coast.
James Ziegler is often interviewed, featured in articles by him or about him, and quoted as an industry expert by Auto Dealer Monthly, Reuters, Automotive News, USA Today, Bloomberg News, Dow-Jones, Wards Dealer Business, F&I and Showroom magazine, Entrepreneur magazine and Success magazine, Newswire, Automotive Executive, RV Executive today, Auto Age, Auto Success, Dealer magazine, Atlanta Journal-Constitution, WSB television, BBC International Radio, Detroit News, and he’s appeared on CNN.
Ziegler’s been the featured national magazine columnist for F&I and Showroom Magazine and also Auto Dealer Today Magazine from 2012 – 2019. He was also formerly the featured columnist for Dealer Magazine and regular columnist Wards Auto Dealer Business Magazine and Auto Age as well.
For more than 14 years Jim was the spotlight featured monthly columnist in DEALER Magazine with his very popular and always controversial column “The Dealer Advocate.” NOW, Jim has returned, full-circle, and is once again a columnist for Digital dealer magazine.
Extremely popular with the Dealers and respected by the factories and industry insiders, the man has become an in-demand celebrity speaker in the retail automobile industry.
nsa-cspManufacturer executives seek his advice on marketing trends and industry future forecasts.
James A. Ziegler is a cut above; he is the author of The Prosperity Equation, New Millennium, where he reveals his secrets of what it takes to become wealthy, prosperous and a success in today’s business world
Co-Workers described him as a “Hard-ass” manager. They might also say that James A. Ziegler is the best there is in the U.S. retail automobile business today. He’s been described as an “In-Your-Face” sort of guy. Don’t ask the question if you can’t stand the answer.
Jim’s Automobile Industry Future Forecasting Keynote is titled “The Shape of Things to Come” is his candid look at Industry events, Future Casting, and Commentary. Ziegler is among the top future-forecasters in the industry with an uncanny accuracy of predicting things to come and current trends. Every one of his presentations is customized and current as he discusses industry events and future forecasting with his unique spin on things.
Maybe he really doesn’t take himself as seriously as all of that.
Jim Ziegler is the “Alpha Dawg”, outrageous, with a deep sense of humor, Ziegler might just be putting you on with his hats, the jewelry and over-the-top persona. He has trademarked ego, much like Muhammad Ali in the 70s.
Ziegler loves to ‘Show-off’. He’s been known to say … “If You’re Not Wearing $100,000 on Your Left Hand, What Can You Do?”
Don’t underestimate this guy; he’s the real deal. His persona and brash mannerisms are carefully and deliberately crafted. His intellectual side often takes people by surprise. Ziegler will tell you that the ‘Alpha Dawg’ is a Cartoon Character I created, don’t get confused and think that is who Jim Ziegler really is.
Bob Danzig, past president of Hearst Newspapers once fondly described Jim Ziegler as “Strategic Audacity”.
Ziegler CorporationsContact Jim Ziegler at [email protected]

Ziegler SuperSystems
Braselton, GA
(706) 684-0010
[email protected]