by The Alpha Dawg | May 29, 2022 | Dealer Magazine, Digital Dealer, Jim's Thoughts
If you know me, you know that I hate stats. I believe most stats are made up and created by individuals that want to influence the people receiving the stats. I’m not saying you should ignore stats altogether, but you should be skeptical and take a hard look at...
by The Alpha Dawg | Apr 4, 2022 | Dealer Magazine, Interviews, Jim's Thoughts, Video
THE DAWG DOUBLES DOWN … from Jim Ziegler’s April 3rd, 2022 Newsletter, sign up for FREE email newsletter here … CLICK HERE The Alpha Dawg Doubles Down … Jim Ziegler is quiet, shy and introverted, humbled with humility.” … said no...
by The Alpha Dawg | Mar 16, 2022 | CBT News, Interviews, Jim's Thoughts, Video
Consumers today have options at their fingertips and while the automotive purchase process has changed to meet these consumer needs over the past few years, what does this mean for the industry in the long run? Today on Inside Automotive, we’re pleased to welcome Jim...
by The Alpha Dawg | Mar 4, 2022 | Jim's Thoughts, LinkedIn
ARE DEALERSHIPS OBSOLETE? This article is a collection of Ziegler’s opinions and his interpretation of current events as he sees and his conjecture of what it might mean. The Perfect Storm. It all began during the shut-in, locked down period of the Pandemic....
by The Alpha Dawg | Jan 30, 2022 | Dealer Magazine, Digital Dealer, Jim's Thoughts
You should have seen it. It was gliding effortlessly above the rooftops. I even took a few photos of some trees and stuff in the backyard. When I opened that present on Christmas Day, I knew it was going to be a life-changer. Much better than the socks, underwear,...
by The Alpha Dawg | Nov 27, 2021 | Dealer Magazine, Digital Dealer, Jim's Thoughts
Oh no! Not again, another article about Google My Business (GMB), and even worse, this one by Jim Ziegler, who is not a recognized expert on Google protocols. If we want to hear anything about GMB, we’ll go to Greg Gifford, George Nenni, or any one of a hundred other...