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Who’s Afraid of Elon Musk?

This is man is so incredibly bright he frightens a lot of people across a wide span of different industries. We are so focused on what impact Elon Musk ultimately will have on the car business that we miss the fact he is a super-achiever and a visionary. Don’t shoot...

A Bustle in Your Hedgerow

In Led Zeppelin’s “Stairway to Heaven,” Robert Plant sings, “If there’s a bustle in your hedgerow, don’t be alarmed now, it’s just a spring clean for the May Queen.” More than a light dusting or even a major spring cleaning, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has our...
Blurred Reality

Blurred Reality

The 1990 Arnold Schwarzenegger blockbuster “Total Recall” (and its underwhelming 2012 remake) is a futuristic fantasy trip centered around Rekall, a company that sells dreams so real they become actual memories. In the original, after a virtual trip to Mars goes awry,...

Go Mobile or Go Home

I just returned home to Atlanta after a 2-day speaking adventure in Dayton and Columbus, OH. Still traveling 200 days a year, somehow I envisioned I would have slowed down by now. As I sat in the Delta Sky Club waiting for my outbound flight, I became acutely aware of...

Defensive Posture

I can’t tell you how many times in my 38-year career in the car business I’ve heard people talk about how everything is changing. Yet, so many things remain the same. Take these customer responses: “Is that your best price?” “I need to...