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You Can’t Handle the Truth

You Can’t Handle the Truth

You’d have to have been in a coma since 1991 if you haven’t seen that clip from “A Few Good Men.” Tom Cruise is grilling Jack Nicholson in court. “I want the truth!” says Cruise, in the role of the smarmy lawyer. Nicholson, playing a battle-hardened Marine colonel,...

To Lease or Not to Lease

Writing about leasing requires that I don several hats, as it’s important that I clarify the processes and move dealerships to a better strategic policy. When wearing my sales or desk manager hat, I need to know the best way to present my leasing vs. retail figures to...
Alpha Dawg Down

Alpha Dawg Down

I have visited five cities in three weeks, traveling to the North, South, East and West through some of the worst and most erratic weather of the year. I went from warm weather with pollen raining down everywhere to the snow, cold temperatures and wet, windy weather...